Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In grand Tyler Tradition, we proudly announce the T4 Quiz! Kudos to my Aunt Rise who has won all the previous quizzes!

A Prize Package of some of the foods I crave most will be awarded to the person with the most correct answers and to the person with the most creative answers.

Please leave a comment with your answers - or email me your answers at

Entries must be received by March 1st (or before she arrives!)

Good Luck!

1. When (day/time) will T4 be born? (Because of Mark's pending deployment, we cannot go beyond March 16th)

2. How quickly will T4 arrive? (Kaiden was 5 hours, Jordan was 2.5 hours, Lia was 1.5 hours...)

3. Will T4 be a boy or girl? (Duh, but ultrasounds can be wrong!)

4. Will T4 have a full head of hair - if so, what color?

5. Will T4 have blue eyes...... not all babies have blue eyes you know!

6. How much will T4 weigh; and how long will she be?

7. How many Diet Cokes will Mark consume during labor?

8. What will T4's name be?

9. What will Kaiden's response be when meeting T4?

10. What will Jordan's response be?

11. Will Anissa really go natural again with no pain meds?

12. What wacky weather phenomenon will occur in correlation to T4's birth? (Kaiden - hurricane Ivan, Jordan - 90 degree Easter Sunday, Lia- Texas snowstorm)

13. What is the first meal Anissa will have after delivery?

Thanks for having fun along with us! You just gotta find a way to smile when you can no longer tie your own shoes!

1 comment:

  1. March 12 at 10:52 am
    2.5 hours
    Yes, blond
    Yes, blue
    7 lb. 12 oz; 22 inches long

    Bethany, Charis or something meaning "hope" - I did a search but none of the names it came up with are realistic possibilities!

    I'm sure K and J will ADORE her and love on her!! :)


    Hmmm, tons of tumbleweeds covering the road? (I guess that would qualify as a wind storm!)

    I always have Chick-Fil-A for my first meal - that will be my guess.

    I never do well at these things, but am playing along just for fun :)
